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A new important step in the development of the public union "Interregional Union of Poultry Breeders and Fodder Producers of Ukraine" took place

📍 Finally, the common interests of poultry farmers and fodder producers have been transformed into a single symbol of the union of the two industries.

Міжрегіональний союз птахівників та кормовиробників України

The change in symbolism took place by transforming the elements of the symbolism of the two branches into a single symbol while preserving their meaning. Combining into one symbol demonstrates the absence of conflicting interests of industries and reflects unity.

The Interregional Union of Poultry Breeders and Fodder Producers of Ukraine has become a public union that has a long history since 2012 and continues to work following the achievements of specialists and scientists of many generations, whose work dates back to the 60s of the last century.

The Union protects the interests of all industry operators, promotes the development and popularization of related professions in the country, has stable communications with the scientific environment and representatives of related and related industries. But the strength and uniqueness of the organization lies precisely in achieving synergy between two industries: poultry farming and fodder production.

The Interregional Union of Poultry Breeders and Fodder Producers of Ukraine protects the interests of its members and contributes to the achievement of their goals and objectives throughout the value added chain of the livestock industry. Industry participants can receive strong Union assistance in various matters from supply to sales, from innovative production development and technical re-equipment to the creation of joint processing enterprises, which will contribute to increasing sales volumes for both industries at the same time.

Despite the difficult current situation in the country, the Union continues its work and tries to do even more to support and preserve industry enterprises, support the creation of new enterprises and farms, establish international business relations, and create new cooperation and partnership projects of industry participants.

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